For a limited time, in celebration of the original 1969 fundraising campaign, we are offering the opportunity to inscribe a clay tablet and have it permanently added to a wall in the theatre. Join: Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Frankie Howard, Cecil Day Lewis, Colin Firth and hundreds of others who have inscribed bricks at Greenwich Theatre.
The different bricks are:
- The “People’s Brick” approximately 8cm x 15cm.
- The “Gold Brick” for a heavier gift giver includes all of the above on a larger sized brick.
- The “Corporate Brick” is 4 standard bricks set together.
Once you purchase your brick, we will contact you and arrange a time for you to come into the theatre to inscribe the brick. You can either write your name, the name of a loved one or a message to the future (nothing rude or too controversial please!) Corporate bricks can have company logos and messages. The brick will then be air dried, kiln fired and made ready to go up. When we conclude the campaign, we will contact everyone once the bricks have been put in place.