To allow for everyone’s safety and comfort we will be making some changes. All changes will be in line with the government guidance at the time so please read your pre-show email.

Box Office and Foyer
Open 3pm to 6.30pm, Tuesday to Saturday with one member of staff for telephone and in person sales. We have installed a new Perspex shield covering the whole sales window. Face coverings must be worn in the foyer and a one-way system is marked out on the floor. We encourage contactless payment for all purchases.
Please arrive in advance of the performance start time as it may now take longer to enter the theatre. Audiences will be limited in number to allow for social distanced seating.
We now have e-tickets which can be printed at home or brought on smart phones. Entry doors will be split to help direct everyone in safely and along one-way, well spaced routes. Please check your pre-show email as the doors may have changed since booking.
On both sets of doors there will be NHS Track&Trace QR codes. Please use these if you are able to do so. If you are unable to do so please speak to a member of staff who will be able to assist you. Hand sanitiser is available by both doors.
When inside please keep your face covering on at all times except when consuming items purchased from our bar. Once seated, please try not to leave the auditorium, but if you do there is a one-way exit to use. Our staff will be on hand at all times.

Our bar will open before and after each performance, in line with government guidance. Again, please check your pre-show e-mail.
We have implemented a seat-ordering app and allow for ice-creams to be purchased in the auditorium with card to shorten the queue.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Front of House Manager by emailing c.nolan@greenwichtheatre.org.uk.

We will limit the number of people using each washroom so that close contact is minimised. Again, please be patient and respectful towards others and perhaps arrive in good time to avoid a queue.
We are socially distancing staff throughout the building and wearing masks. Staff are required to sign into the building using the NHS Track&Trace app. We are also offering all staff at home Covid-19 test kits as part of our reopening.

Our actors and backstage team are all following social distance, face covering and hand sanitising guidelines to keep themselves and you safe.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Updated: 11/05/2021